Step 3: Take the District 218 Career Assessment
Now that you have completed Step 2, which was to review what District 218 has to offer you, you may now explore career pathways connected to the courses you may take in your high school. You are ready for Step 3.
You may now take the Class of 2029 Career Assessment to identify your interests, skills, and abilities. The Assessment is on pages 6 and 7 in the Career Guide. Students participating in Step Up Day will complete the assessment on their school's Step Up Day.
Take the Career Assessment in the Guide Below:
This will help you determine the Elective Courses that you are interested in taking at your high school. You will be able to identify if you are a: Doer, Creator, Persuader, Organizer, Thinker, and Helper or a combination of three.
Once you complete the Class of 2029 CareerAssessment, it is now time to identify the elective choices that connect to the potential career paths you are interested in taking your freshman year of high school. Check out the options at your future high school!
ABS Class of 2029 Elective Preference List
DDE Class of 2029 Elective Preference List
HLR Class of 2029 Elective Preference List
Students and families will select their electives during Course Selection process.