Eisenhower High School

E-Learning Day Program

District 218 has adopted an E-Learning Day Program that could be implemented if severe weather or emergency situations occur. During an e-learning day, students and staff are not required to travel to school. Instead, students complete classwork from home electronically, using their district-provided iPads or home computers.
Here is how the e-learning day works:
  • Families will be notified through phone calls, emails, and website/social media announcements when an e-learning day will be used.
  • Teachers will post electronic assignments through Google Classroom by 9:00 am on the e-learning day.
  • Students should work on the e-learning assignments at home using their iPads or home computers.
  • Students are NOT required to be online during a specific time on an e-learning day.
  • Teachers will be available via email during normal school hours (8:00 am - 3:15 pm) to answer questions that students or parents/guardians may have about accessing or completing e-learning assignments. Students and parents/guardians can send emails to teachers from the staff directory on the school homepage.
  • Due to possible technology or internet issues at home (including lack of access due to bad weather), students will have an opportunity after school resumes to submit their e-learning assignments.
  • Students will be marked absent in Skyward if they do not complete their e-learning assignments.
The E-Learning Day Program is an effective way to keep education moving forward while also keeping our students safe. Thanks for your continued support of the educational programs in District 218! Please email or call a school administrator if you have questions about the E-Learning Day Program.