Step 2: Explore Your Interests
Now that you have completed Step 1, which was to Explore the Courses District 218 has to offer you, it is now time to reflect on your skills, interests, and abilities. This will help you compare the courses offered at your high school to the careers that are connected to those courses.
Enter Title
It is now time to explore your interests.
Check out the interactive Illinois State Board of Education Career Guides below:
Remember to do consider the following when you review the Career Guide and Ask Yourself:
- Who am I?
- What do I like to do?
- What am I good at?
- What is important to me?
This process is meant for you to learn about the Careers that are connected to some of the courses offered at your high school.
Terms to Know:
College and Career Readiness: the attainment and demonstration of the skills required to be successful in college and the workplace.
Four Year Career Pathway Program of Study: a four-year plan designed for students interested in taking a series of courses specific to their college and career interests.
Four Year Career Pathway Program of Study Template:
Skills Needed in All Professions:
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Team Work
- Professionalism
- Attendance
- Positive Attitude
- Ability
- Willingness to Learn