Eisenhower High School

Goal Two: Student Academic Growth

Strategic Plan Banner
CHSD 218 will focus on curriculum and instruction to improve student achievement and college and career readiness.
Worthy Target 2A: Instruction
  • CHSD 218 teachers and administrators will improve instruction to positively impact academic data as measured by:
  • ELA ACT scores (ESSA 7.5%)
  • Math ACT scores (ESSA 7.5%)
  • Enrollment in AP courses
  • Increase in students scoring 2+ on AP exams
  • The Instructional Services Department will use three areas of focus to improve student learning and engagement in classes across all departments as measured by:
  • PLC growth per the Focus on Action Rubric
  • Student engagement as measured by the Danielson Teaching Framework Checklist
  • Special Education students will increase their access to more rigorous curriculum as measured by increased enrollment in general education courses taken over 4 years.
  • EL students will improve proficiency as measured by ACCESS 
  • EL access and enrollment in more rigorous curriculum (AP, dual credit, and certification) will increase over 
Worthy Target 2B: Curriculum
  • CHSD 218 teachers, curriculum directors, department chairs, and administrators will work to better align curriculum to corresponding state standards, and develop both formative and summative assessments that accurately measure progression through curricula as measured by:
  • Grades in four core academic subjects
  • Freshmen on track (ESSA 6.25%)
  • Graduation rate (ESSA 50%)
  • Successful completion of dual credit courses
  • Number of certificates earned in CTE courses
Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Strategic Plan