Delta & Summit Learning Center

Goal One: Positive School Climates

Strategic Plan Banner
CHSD 218 will create a safe, supported, trusting, and engaged environment for students, staff, and community.
Worthy Target 1A: Safe and Trusting
  • CHSD 218 students and staff will feel a sense of safety and trust as measured by:
    • a bi-annual climate survey
  • CHSD 218 staff will work to improve the classroom environment within the schools as measured by:
    • decrease in the number of negative student incidents
      • Out-of-School Suspensions
      • 10-Day Pending Suspensions
Worthy Target 1B: Supported
  • CHSD 218 students will feel socially, emotionally, and academically supported as measured by:
    • a bi-annual climate survey
Worthy Target 1C: Engaged
  • CHSD 218 will work to decrease student full day and class period absences as measured by:
    • attendance data comparing the 23-24 school year to the 24-25 school year (ESSA 7.5%).
  • Continue to increase the number of new students participating in co-curricular activities as measured by:
    • participation data in clubs and sports.
  • Freshmen students will use SchooLinks throughout the 24-25 school year to develop a post-secondary plan as measured by the number of exposures to the platform
Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Strategic Plan