Delta & Summit Learning Center

Special Education

Community High School District 218 is committed to providing quality specially designed instruction to meet students' academic, organizational, behavioral, social, emotional, functional, communicative, physical, sensory, vocational, and technological needs.  We offer a wide range of programming and services within the educational setting based on a student's needs.  We value our students receiving an education, whenever possible, with their in-district peers. The continuum of services refers to our in-district and out-of-district programming. When our district cannot meet the needs of an individual student we work collaboratively with the Eisenhower Cooperative and other private schools to efficiently meet the needs of students in the community who require these special services.

CHSD 218 Special Education Continuum of Services

CHSD 218 Special Education Continuum of Services

218 Continuum of Services within the home schools (from least to most restrictive setting):
***NOTE:  All special education students in the home schools spend part, if not ALL, of their day in general education classes***
  • General Education Classroom with no special educator support  - Students will still receive accommodations per their IEP. 
  • General Education Classroom with Access Facilitator support - Students will receive consult support from a special education teacher along with accommodations and/or modifications.
  • General Education Classroom with special education teacher co-taught support -There will be a full-time special educator in the general education classroom who will provide specially designed instruction for individual students per their IEP.
  • Core Classrooms - These are separate setting classes with modifications to the curriculum to meet individual student need.
  • Cross Categorical Block Program - This is a self contained program for students who need structured supports to help with social emotional and behavioral needs.  
  • Foundations Program - These are separate setting classes for students who require a modified curriculum with added functional supports built into the programming.
  • BUILD Program - These are self-contained classes for students who require extensive modification to curricular standards and focus primarily on functional curriculum to increase independence. 
  • Communications Program - These are self-contained classes for students whose communication needs significantly impact their education.  The focus of this program heavily rooted in communication.  Academic needs are differentiated and individualized among the students.
  • Multi-Needs Program - These are self-contained classes for students whose educational programming requires a wide array of supports and services.  The program focuses on a wrap-around approach to help support the students' academic, communication, physical, social, emotional, and functional well-being. 
218 Continuum of Services outside of the home schools (from least to most restrictive setting):
  • Summit Learning Center - This is a separate, in-district, therapeutic school designed to help students who need a non-traditional learning support plan and environment.  There are several therapeutic supports built into the programming here to provide students with more regular opportunities to access these supports than in a typical school setting.  
  • DHH Program - This program is for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and is run through our cooperative (Eisenhower Cooperative).  It is "housed" at Shepard High School.
  • Adult Transition Program - This is a program for students ages 18-22 who require special education services to continue to work on their post-secondary outcomes. The focus of this program is gaining independence for adult life whether that be academic, vocational, or daily living skills. 
  • Separate Out-of-District Programming - These programs are explored if in-district programming cannot support the individual student needs.
  • Residential Programming
  • Home/Hospital Programming
Related services are any additional service (other than instruction) that a special education student may need in order to benefit from the education program outlined in their IEP (Individual Education Plan). These services can include:
  • Social Worker Services
  • Counseling Services
  • Psychological Services
  • School Health Services
  • Speech-Language Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Hearing Itinerant
  • Vision Itinerant
  • Transportation

Mrs. Kerri Piscitelli
Executive Director of Special Services
708-424-2000 x2562
[email protected]

Mr. Dustin Cochrane

Director of Special Education
708-424-2000 x2563
[email protected]

Dr. Katherine Kain
Assistant Director of Support Services
708-424-2000 x2564