Eisenhower High School

Goal Three: Connecting with Community

Strategic Plan Banner
CHSD 218 will engage with its community members to develop relationships and partnerships that serve to teach our students about collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking, while providing them opportunities that foster academic, social-emotional, and personal growth.
Worthy Target 3A
  • Continue fostering partnerships with our partner schools to increase the level of student achievement for our freshmen class as measured by the following:
    • Early Start participant grades
    • Freshmen discipline data
    • Freshmen on track for graduation
Worthy Target 3B
  • Develop partnerships with community organizations, businesses, local politicians, industry leaders, universities/colleges/community colleges, and trade schools in order for our students to reach their post-secondary goals as measured by:
    • Number of meetings with community organizations, businesses, politicians, industry leaders, and trades.
    • Number of career-related field trips, speakers, and visits to our schools.
    • Growth of Friends of CHSD 218 Foundation members, funds, and scholarships.
    • Growth of CHSD 218 Alumni Network.
Worthy Target 3C
  • Create partnerships with local business and industry to create and improve work-based learning opportunities for our students as part of their career development experience as measured by:
    • Number of business and industry partners offering workplace experiences
    • Number of students involved in work-based learning
    • Number of students completing a (60-hour) workplace experience
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